Wanjia Zhao (赵万佳)
CS PHD Student @ Stanford


Hi, I am a CS PhD student at Stanford. I obtained my B.S. (Honors) degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from Zhejiang University, where I was honored to be advised by Prof. Fei Wu. Previously, I was a research intern at Microsoft Research Asia and an AGI intern at DeepSeek AI. Before that, I was also a visiting research student at UCLA Scalable Analytics Institute (ScAi), supervised by Prof. Yizhou Sun and Prof. Wei Wang.


Ph.D.           Sep. 2024 - Present
                     Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, U.S.
                     Ph.D. student in Computer Science
B.S.              Sep. 2020 - Jun. 2024
                     Zhejiang University (ZJU) , Hangzhou, China.
                     B.S.(Honors) in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics


  • Jun. 2024 -- Sept. 2024, DeepSeek AI , Beijing, China
         AGI Intern, Work on LLM for mathematical reasoning
  • Feb. 2024 -- Jun. 2024, Machine Learning Group, Microsoft Research Lab - Asia, Beijing, China
         Research Intern, Work on LLM for decision making
  • Jun. 2023 -- Oct. 2023, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA, U.S.
         Visiting Research Student, Work on Physics informed ML
         Supervisor: Prof. Yizhou Sun and Prof. Wei Wang

  • News

    • Awarded SenseTime Scholarship, a research scholarship selecting 30 undergraduate AI talents in China.
    • Our paper was selected for the Best Paper Award and a Spotlight Talk at the Neurips 2023 DLDE Workshop!
    • One paper on Physics informed Machine Learning (TANGO) now available on arXiv.
    • One paper accepted to AAAI 2023

    Publications and Manuscripts

    TANGO: Time-Reversal Latent GraphODE for Multi-Agent Dynamical Systems
    Under Review, 2024
    Best Paper Award at DLDE workshop at Neurips 2023.
    Positive Distribution Pollution: Rethinking Positive Unlabeled Learning From a Unified Perspective
    AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2023)
    [ Paper] [www]

    Selected Honors & Awards

    • Outstanding Graduates of Zhejiang Province, 2024
    • Outstanding Graduates of Zhejiang University, 2024
    • SenseTime Scholarship, 2023
    • Best Paper Award, NeurIPS 2023 Workshop (DL + Differential Equation), 2023
    • NeurIPS Student Travel Award, 2023
    • Zhejiang Provincial Scholarship, 2023
    • Zhejiang University Scholarship - First Prize (Top 3%), 2023
    • Zhejiang University Top Students in Basic Disciplines Scholarship - First Prize, 2023
    • CKC Honors College Scientific Research Scholarship (Top 10 Projects), 2023
    • First Prize of Zhejiang Physics Innovation Competition, 2021, 2022
    • CKC Honors College Scholarship for Leading Achievements, 2021
    • Silver Medal of Chinese Physics Olympiad, 2019
    • First Prize of Chinese Physics Olympiad, 2019


  • Math 061B0020: Complex Variable Functions & Integral Transformation - Fall 2023
         Teaching Assistant (TA), with Prof. Xiang Xu
  • Math 0609001001(Graduate Courses): Applied Mathematical Methods - Winter 2023
         Teaching Assistant (TA), with Prof. Xiang Xu
  • Academic Services

    Conference Reviewer: NeurIPS, COLING, IJCAI, ACM MM
    Journal Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Big Data, PLOS ONE
    Volunteer: KDD 2023, NeurIPS 2023


    I love running, piano, debating, traveling and so much more.
    🎤 Champion and Best Debater of the CKC Honors College Debate Tournament
    🏃‍♀️ Runner-up of the Women's Pentathlon at Zhejiang University
    🎹 Pianist of amateur level 10
